University of Salzburg
The Cell IQ V2 MLF Cell Imaging and Analysis System is a live cell imaging...
University of Salzburg
The Cell IQ V2 MLF Cell Imaging and Analysis System is a live cell imaging...
Natural History Museum Vienna
With more than 4,500.000 objects, the collection “Cenozoic Invertebrates“ is the largest collection of the...
University of Salzburg
'The Center for Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Salzburg facilitates studying the interactions between...
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
The specific research equipment and facilities available for materials science research on artworks are also...
Natural History Museum Vienna
The Central Research Laboratories at the Natural History Museum Vienna comprise the Research Laboratory of...
Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology (ACMIT GmbH)
The Lithography-based Ceramic Manufacturing (LCM) technology offers the possibility of 3D printing complex geometries using...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The unit with focus on biomedical research was established to provide access to highly competitive...
University of Salzburg
The core facility chemical & structural biology comprises the equipment for the preparation, purification, structural...
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities GmbH (VBCF)
Chirascan Plus CD spectrometer from Applied Photophysics https://www.photophysics.com/systems/chirascan-systems/chirascan/system-information/
University of Vienna
Addition to the Cisco UCS cluster of the Faculty of Computer Science: Four servers, each...
AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
the clean room is a dust-particle-reduced environment for chemical and material-scientific analysis and research according...
Silicon Austria Labs GmbH (SAL)
Clean room class 5 (EN ISO 14644-1), 300 m² - Micro and nano fabrication: M(O)EMS,...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
New Cleanrom in the LIT Open Innovation Center
TIZ Landl - Grieskirchen GmbH
The climate chamber allows reproducible climate and temperature tests. In combination with the electrodynamic shaker,...
Aerospace & Advanced Composits GmbH
Climate chambers are controlled environments crucial for research and development. They simulate diverse climatic conditions,...
Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW)
CLIP (Cloud Infrastructure Platform) is the implementation of a flexible concept for scientific High Performance...
TU Wien
Expansion and extension of the tape libraries in the Arsenal and in the Gußhaus, including...
Aerospace & Advanced Composits GmbH
This test rig enables determination oft he Coefficient of Moisture Expansion. The main advantage of...
JKU - Johannes Kepler University Linz
The co-extrusion film smoothing system has a 7-layer selector plug and a 9-layer feed block....
University of Salzburg
The equipment pool of the core facility includes a device to measure brain activity and...