BBMRI.at supports biomedical research and facilitates access to human and animal samples and collaborations. To this end, BBMRI.at is networking the Austrian universities and biobanks and is building a national biobank research infrastructure.
BBMRI.at is the Austrian Node of BBMRI-ERIC, the European Biobanking Research Infrastructure, which is jointly operated by over 20 countries and one international organisation (WHO/IARC).
BBMRI.at Partner:
• Medical Univesity of Graz with Biobank Graz
• Medical Univesity of Vienna with MedUni Wien Biobank
• Medical Univesity of Innsbruck with Biobank Innsbruck (under development)
• Johannes Kepler University (Linz) with Biobank Linz (under development)
• University of Vienna
BBMRI.at funding by BMBWF - grant numbers
- GZ 10.470/0016-II/3/2013 (2013-2018)
- BMBWF-10.470/0010-V/3c/2018 (2018-2023)
- 2023-0.752.780 (2023-2028)
Research Services
• Access to human/animal samples and related data (diseased, healthy)
• Prospective collection/storage of biological (human, animal) samples and associated data
• Preparation and processing of biological samples
• Central contact point for sample/data/collaboration inquiries to all Austrian & >600 European biobanks
• Online search portal 'BBMRI Biobank Directory' with biobanks and biobank collections (https://bbmri.at/for-researchers/biobank-cohorts/)
• Contacts with clinical experts and researchers at the respective partners
• Support with ethical questions / applications
• Support (advice) for handling samples according to the latest standards (ISO, CEN)
• Templates for material transfer agreements and declarations of consent
• Quality management audits for partners
• BSL-3 laboratory with services such as virus isolation and sequencing,
• Analytical services via partners (e.g. Whole Genome & Whole Exome Sequencing, in situ transcriptomics, large scale immunohistochemistry)
• Digitization of sample sections (whole slide imaging)
• Artificial Intelligence / machine learning
• Trusted data environments, new data access models (e.g., federated machine learning)
• Further education in the field of biobanking (courses and master's in biobanking)
Methoden & Expertise zur Forschungsinfrastruktur
Quality management (QM) & analytical technologies: e.g.
- Development and implementation of ISO & CEN standards for sample pre-analytics
- Friendly cross-audits of BBMRII.at partner biobanks
- Pre-analytical quality requirements for microbiome samples (human, animal, environmental)
- Regulatory requirements for IVDs;
- BSL-3 facility build-up/operation;
- Whole genome & exome sequencing (NGS);
- Spatial transcriptomics; etc.
Sample & data management:
- Building and operating biobanks;
- Building and operating high-capacity digitalization process & facility for tissue slides;
- Trusted data environment for biobanks and new data access model;
- BBMRI.at Catalog/Biobank Editor development
Biobank & sample visibility and access:
- BBMRI.at biobank collections in European wide BBMRI-ERIC Directory
- BBMRI.at central contact/access point for requests for samples/data, services and participation in call proposal (EU, national)
Other topics:
- Green biobanking & environmental sustainabiilty
- One Health / comparative medicine (potential of veterinary biobanks/samples)
Stakeholder & user engagement:
- Providing knowhow to biobanks and researchers building or working with cohorts
- Public engagement (e.g. biobank tours, children university courses on biobanking & pathology, long night of research participation);
- Interviews/discussion groups with stakeholders
- Online portal for donors; etc.
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
CEN - European Committee for Standardization
EIRENE RI - Exposome Austria
Human Bio Monitoring Platform
EU projects
- GenomeMET
- Life science clusters: LISAvienna, Human. technology Styria