This is an optical cryostat to perform experiments on semiconductor quantum dots for the generation of multiphoton states. It is a closed cycle system with a user friendly computer control and can be operated in a turn key fashion. The base temperature of the cryostat is 3.7K and it is equipped with a 3-axis nanopositioner system and multiple optical accesses. The cool down time is approximately 6 hours. It can be used to perform high sensitive quantum optics experiments and can function as a shared facility for other potential users.
Dr. Vikas Remesh
Research Services
single photon senstive spectroscopy on semiconductor quantum dots, waveguides, defect centres, 2D materials etc.
Multiphoton interference experiments with quantum dots, quantum optics experiments with single or multiphoton states.
Methoden & Expertise zur Forschungsinfrastruktur
It can be used to perform quantum optics spectroscopy on semiconductor quantum dots, 2D materials, defect centres etc.
The cryostat has to be operated together with a laser system to probe the sample and a sensitive spectrometer or other single photon sensitive detectors like APDs or SNSPDs to detect the signal.