Medizinische Universität Innsbruck
Innsbruck, Institut für Pharmakologie | Website

Open for Collaboration
Das Gerät dient der Probenvorbereitung für die Elektronenmikroskopie
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francesco Ferraguti
Research Services
Kollaboration: Gefrierbruch, Replica-Labelling
Methoden & Expertise zur Forschungsinfrastruktur
Gefrierbruch, Replica-Labelling
Nutzungsbedingungen an persönliche Kontaktaufnahme gebunden.
Rollenhagen A., Anstötz M., Zimmermann K., Kasugai Y., Sätzler K., Molnar E., Ferraguti F. and Lübke J.H.R. (2022) Layer-specific distribution and expression pattern of AMPA- and NMDA-type glutamate receptors in the barrel field of the adult rat somatosensory cortex: a quantitative electron microscopic analysis. Cereb. Cortex bhac212.
doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac212.
Seewald A., Schönherr S., Hörtnagl H., Ehrlich I., Schmuckermair C. and Ferraguti F. (2021) Fear memory retrieval is associated with a reduction in AMPA receptor density at thalamic to amygdala intercalated cell synapses. Front. Syn. Neurosci. 13:634558.
Kasugai Y., Vogel E., Hörtnagl H., Schönherr S., Paradiso E., Hauschild M., Göbel G., Milenkovic I., Peterschmitt Y., Tasan T., Sperk G., Shigemoto R., Sieghart W., Singewald N., Lüthi A., Ferraguti F. (2019) Structural and functional remodeling of amygdala GABAergic synapses in associative fear learning. Neuron 104(4):781-794.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.08.013.
Trussel M., Lecca S., Nuno-Perez A., Harada H., Takemoto K., Takahashi T., Ferraguti F. and Mameli M. (2019) Punishment-predicitive cues guide avoidance through potentiation of hypothalamus-to-habenula synapses. Neuron 102:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.01.025. PMID: 30765165
Naito R., Kassai H., Sakai Y., Schönherr S., Fukaya M., Schwarzer C., Sakagami H., Nakao K., Aiba A. and Ferraguti F. (2018) New features on the expression and trafficking of mGluR1 splice variants exposed by two novel mutant mouse lines. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 11:article 439. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00439. PMID: 30559646
Combined optogenetic and freeze-fracture replica immunolabeling to examine input-specific arrangement of glutamate receptors in the mouse amygdala. (2016) Schönherr S., Seewald A., Kasugai Y., Bosch D., Ehrlich I., Ferraguti F. J. Vis. Exp. 110, e53853, doi:10.3791/53853. PMID: 27167567
Hippocampal theta input to the amygdala shapes feedforward inhibition to gate heterosynaptic plasticity. (2015) Bazelot M., Bocchio M., Kasugai Y., Fischer D., Dodson P.D., Ferraguti F., Capogna M. Neuron 87(6):1290-303. PMID: 26402610
Different subsynaptic localization of mGlu1 receptors at glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses in the rodent cerebellar cortex. (2015) Mansouri M., Kasugai Y., Bertaso F., Fukazawa Y., Raynaud F., Perroy J., Fagni L., Kaufmann W.A., Watanabe M., Shigemoto R., Ferraguti F. Eur. J. Neurosci. 41(2):157-67. PMID: 25377770
Regulating anxiety with extrasynaptic inhibition. (2015) Botta P., Demmou L., Kasugai Y., Markovic M., Xu C., Fadok J.P., Lu T., Poe M.M., Xu L., Cook J.M., Rudolph U., Sah P., Ferraguti F., Lüthi A. Nature Neurosci. 18(10):1493-500. PMID: 26322928
Kv4.2 potassium channels segregate to extrasynaptic domains and influence intrasynaptic NMDA receptor NR2B subunit expression.(2013) Kaufmann W.A., Matsui K., Jeromin A., Nerbonne J.M. and Ferraguti F. Brain Struct. Funct., 218:1115-32. doi: 10.1007/s00429-012-0450-1.
Kaufmann W. A., Kasugai Y., Ferraguti F. and Storm J. F. (2010) Non-homogenous, dual distribution of large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels in the somatic plasma membrane of central principal neurons. Neuroscience, 169:974-986. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.05.070.
Kaufmann A.W., Ferraguti F., Fukazawa Y., Kasugai Y., Shigemoto R., Laake P., Sexton A.J., Ruth P., Wietzorrek G., Knaus H-G., Storm J.F. and Ottersen O.P. (2009) Big-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels in Purkinje cell plasma membranes are clustered at sites of hypolemmal microdomains. J. Comp. Neurol., 515:215-230. doi: 10.1002/cne.22066.
doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac212.
Seewald A., Schönherr S., Hörtnagl H., Ehrlich I., Schmuckermair C. and Ferraguti F. (2021) Fear memory retrieval is associated with a reduction in AMPA receptor density at thalamic to amygdala intercalated cell synapses. Front. Syn. Neurosci. 13:634558.
Kasugai Y., Vogel E., Hörtnagl H., Schönherr S., Paradiso E., Hauschild M., Göbel G., Milenkovic I., Peterschmitt Y., Tasan T., Sperk G., Shigemoto R., Sieghart W., Singewald N., Lüthi A., Ferraguti F. (2019) Structural and functional remodeling of amygdala GABAergic synapses in associative fear learning. Neuron 104(4):781-794.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.08.013.
Trussel M., Lecca S., Nuno-Perez A., Harada H., Takemoto K., Takahashi T., Ferraguti F. and Mameli M. (2019) Punishment-predicitive cues guide avoidance through potentiation of hypothalamus-to-habenula synapses. Neuron 102:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.01.025. PMID: 30765165
Naito R., Kassai H., Sakai Y., Schönherr S., Fukaya M., Schwarzer C., Sakagami H., Nakao K., Aiba A. and Ferraguti F. (2018) New features on the expression and trafficking of mGluR1 splice variants exposed by two novel mutant mouse lines. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 11:article 439. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00439. PMID: 30559646
Combined optogenetic and freeze-fracture replica immunolabeling to examine input-specific arrangement of glutamate receptors in the mouse amygdala. (2016) Schönherr S., Seewald A., Kasugai Y., Bosch D., Ehrlich I., Ferraguti F. J. Vis. Exp. 110, e53853, doi:10.3791/53853. PMID: 27167567
Hippocampal theta input to the amygdala shapes feedforward inhibition to gate heterosynaptic plasticity. (2015) Bazelot M., Bocchio M., Kasugai Y., Fischer D., Dodson P.D., Ferraguti F., Capogna M. Neuron 87(6):1290-303. PMID: 26402610
Different subsynaptic localization of mGlu1 receptors at glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses in the rodent cerebellar cortex. (2015) Mansouri M., Kasugai Y., Bertaso F., Fukazawa Y., Raynaud F., Perroy J., Fagni L., Kaufmann W.A., Watanabe M., Shigemoto R., Ferraguti F. Eur. J. Neurosci. 41(2):157-67. PMID: 25377770
Regulating anxiety with extrasynaptic inhibition. (2015) Botta P., Demmou L., Kasugai Y., Markovic M., Xu C., Fadok J.P., Lu T., Poe M.M., Xu L., Cook J.M., Rudolph U., Sah P., Ferraguti F., Lüthi A. Nature Neurosci. 18(10):1493-500. PMID: 26322928
Kv4.2 potassium channels segregate to extrasynaptic domains and influence intrasynaptic NMDA receptor NR2B subunit expression.(2013) Kaufmann W.A., Matsui K., Jeromin A., Nerbonne J.M. and Ferraguti F. Brain Struct. Funct., 218:1115-32. doi: 10.1007/s00429-012-0450-1.
Kaufmann W. A., Kasugai Y., Ferraguti F. and Storm J. F. (2010) Non-homogenous, dual distribution of large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels in the somatic plasma membrane of central principal neurons. Neuroscience, 169:974-986. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2010.05.070.
Kaufmann A.W., Ferraguti F., Fukazawa Y., Kasugai Y., Shigemoto R., Laake P., Sexton A.J., Ruth P., Wietzorrek G., Knaus H-G., Storm J.F. and Ottersen O.P. (2009) Big-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels in Purkinje cell plasma membranes are clustered at sites of hypolemmal microdomains. J. Comp. Neurol., 515:215-230. doi: 10.1002/cne.22066.