- HORIBA JOBIN-YVON Labram-HR800 spectrometer, excited by a frequency-doubled Nd-YAG laser (100mW, 532nm), a He-Ne laser (17mW, 633nm) and a diode laser (300mW, 785nm). Several objectives up to 100x magnification and 13 mm working distance. Lateral and depth resolution down to 5µm3, achievable spectral resolution below 1 cm-1. Motor-driven, computer-controlled x-y-stage and piezo-autofocus for mapping purposes. Heating- and cooling- stages by LINKAM for temperature-controlled measurements between -196° and 1500°C. Super-head and glas-fibre options. Several commercial spectra databases for identification of organic and inorganic compounds.
- BRUKER Vertex 70 FT-IR spectrometer equipped with MIR and NIR source and ATR unit.
BRUKER FT-IR microscope Hyperion 3000 for transmission, reflection and ATR, equipped with MCT-detector and focal plane array (FPA) detector (4096 pixel), enabling single point measurements, line maps, area maps, and IR-imaging with very high spatial resolution down to 2 µm.
- Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) Horiba Jobin Yvon ACTIVA high resolution spectrometer
- Jeol JSM-6010LV High performance, fast imaging microscope with adjustable high and low vacuum settings (variable pressure), secondary electron imaging and three types of backscattered electron imaging (topography, composition, and shadowed images).
Accelerating voltage from 500V to 20kV. Maximum specimen size: 125mm diameter (observation), 152mm (loadable); Height: 50mm
- Non-destructive µXRF analyses with the Bruker M4 Tornado: This microanalytical instrument for the non-destructive quantification of elemental compositions (atomic number > 10) of surfaces is designed to accommodate of many types (rocks, minerals, metals, ceramics, liquids, etc) and dimensions (up to 20 cm and 5 kg) of samples. The Instrument uses a single rhodium target X-ray tube (Rtw Dr. Warrikhoff Röngtentechnik GmbH) with up to 50 kV and 600 µA power and equipped with a Be window MCBM-50-0.6BRh, focuses the beam with polycapillary optics down to a spot size of ~25 µm, and collects emitted x-ray energies with an energy dispersive silicon drift detector (Bruker Nano SDD 530) that allows count rates up to 400.000 cps (for copper) and resolution of <145 eV (for manganese-Ka). Multiple point and line analyses, as well as element mapping of the entire sample via the x-y-z moving stage, are possible (also in a 20 mbar vacuum). Manual or automated (semi-) spectra quantification is standardless, based on fundamental parameters, and element concentrations down to <100ppm are resolved.
Angelika Mair
Research Services
The research infrastructure is ‘Open for Collaboration’. Commercial collaborations are not possible.
Die Forschungsinfrastruktur ist "Open for Collaboration". Kommerzielle Kooperationen sind nicht möglich.
Methoden & Expertise zur Forschungsinfrastruktur
Many years of expertise are available for all the analytical methods listed above, particularly in the analysis of inorganic sample material.
Für alle oben aufgeführten Analysemethoden ist langjährige Expertise vorhanden, insbesondere bei der Untersuchung von anorganischem Probenmaterial.
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