FE-SEM is equipped as follows:
- High efficiency secondary electrons detector HE-SE2 - Everhart-Thornley type
- High efficiency 5 segments back-scattered electrons
- In-lens Duo detector - combination of In-lens SE and In-lens BSE imaging
- Scanning transmission electron microscopy detector
- Variable pressure secondary electron detector
- Cathodoluminescence detector for material characterization
- Energy Dispersive Spectrometer Octane Elite with 70 mm2 chip and Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) window
- 5-axes mot. eucentric stage with dual joystick controller
- Plasma Cleaner for gentle removal of sample contamination
- Local Charge Compensation for undisturbed imaging of non-conductive samples and in situ cleaning of sample surface
- ATLAS Array Tomography for 3D reconstruction of sample data
Microscope is used for observation of biological and non-biological samples.
Ludek Lovicar
Research Services
FE-SEM is equipped as follows:
- High efficiency secondary electrons detector HE-SE2 - Everhart-Thornley type
- High efficiency 5 segments back-scattered electrons
- In-lens Duo detector - combination of In-lens SE and In-lens BSE imaging
- Scanning transmission electron microscopy detector
- Variable pressure secondary electron detector
- Cathodoluminescence detector for material characterization
- Energy Dispersive Spectrometer Octane Elite with 70 mm2 chip and Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) window
- 5-axes mot. eucentric stage with dual joystick controller
- Plasma Cleaner for gentle removal of sample contamination
- Local Charge Compensation for undisturbed imaging of non-conductive samples and in situ cleaning of sample surface
- ATLAS Array Tomography for 3D reconstruction of sample data
Microscope is used for observation of biological and non-biological samples.
Methoden & Expertise zur Forschungsinfrastruktur