The database pursues four sub-goals in the following areas:
- Access and use: Creating access to and use of research infrastructure capacities
- Strategy: Supporting strategic decision-making processes for Austria's research infrastructure development
- Monitoring: Supporting calls for proposals by monitoring infrastructure development in Austria
- Mapping: Creation of a transparent and visible infrastructure portfolio of the Austrian research area
As part of the "RTI Working Group on Research Infrastructure" to accompany the Austrian RTI Strategy 2030 (FTI-Strategie 2030) and in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), the Federal Ministry of Labor and Economic Affairs (BMAW) and the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) provides a research infrastructure database as an information platform to support the cooperative use of research infrastructure in science, research and industry.
Based on the RTI Strategy 2030, the Austrian Research Infrastructure Action Plan 2030 was developed, which addresses the challenges for the area of basic research-driven and application-oriented research infrastructures. The action plan focuses on the expansion of national research infrastructure and participation in European and international large-scale research infrastructure (in particular the ESFRI Roadmap) up to the year 2030. The research infrastructure database is a central instrument within the framework of the action plan to support the development of national large-scale research infrastructure in Austria. The guiding principle of the action plan is the coordinated procurement and collaborative use of research infrastructure.
More than 100 research institutions are already participating voluntarily with over 2,400 collaborative infrastructures.