Short Description
The herbarium of phanerogams at the Department of Botany at NHM Vienna houses an estimated 4 mio. specimens of vascular plants (ferns and seed plants) from all around the world. Included are a considerably high number of type specimens, which are references for species names and their correct application. The specimens consist of a pressed and dried plant (or a part thereof) mounted on paper or card together with a label containing the scientific name, the locality, date, collector, collectors number and other relevant information.
In WW II the department lost about 1/6th of its phanerogam herbarium - a loss which due to the numerous irreplaceable type specimens constitutes a long term challenge for taxonomic research.
Among the most important parts of the herbarium are the collections of Ferdinand Lucas Bauer (1760-1826), Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher (1804-1849), Heinrich von Handel-Mazzetti (1882–1940), Nicolaus Thomas Host (1761-1834), Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817) and his son Joseph Franz (1766-1839), Johann Baptist Emanuel Pohl (1782-1834), Franz von Portenschlag-Ledermayer (1772-1822), Karl Heinz Rechinger (1906-1998), Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1824-1889), Franz Wilhelm Sieber (1789-1844), Leopold Trattinick (1764-1849) and Franz Xaver von Wulfen (1728-1805).
Contact Person
Andreas Berger PhD
Research Services
Plant identification possible upon request
Tissue samples for DNA analyses available for research projects with cooperation partners
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The phanerogam herbarium may be used for a variety of studies. Beside classical mophological-taxonomic works we also support molecular analyses. Our global coverage mostly allows for a good sampling coverage for projects conducted in collaboration with our department. Beside the Flora of Austria and Central Europe focus is also on South America, the Middle East and the Mediterranean region.