Short Description
The soil mechanical laboratory has all standard soil mechanics equipment and develops sophisticated device for physical modelling.
Contact Person
Barbara Schneider-Muntau
Research Services
Standard soil mechanics laboratory tests, model tests and experimental developments for research collaborations and contract research
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The soil mechanics laboratory at the University of Innsbruck has extensive expertise in research, teaching and testing. Key methods include triaxial, shear and oedometer tests to determine the shear strength, stiffness and consolidation properties of soils. Hydraulic permeability tests, grain distribution analyses and pore water pressure measurements enable precise soil characterisation. This is supplemented by model tests and individual special laboratory tests and numerical modelling to simulate real load scenarios. Research focuses on analysing the stability of slopes, the interaction between soil and structures and sustainable soil improvement.
Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG); 03/2024 – 02/2027
EMME: The influence of higher-order constitutive models for soils on the modelling results of finite element calculations
Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG); 12/2022 – 12/2025
CT-GEO – Inhomogeneities in the strain range – Investigations in the computer tomography and consequences on geotechnical standard laboratory experiments;
Research cooperation with Universitè Grenoble Alpes (Promotion Young Talent); UIBK; 03/2020 – 02/2022
Salehi, B., Golshani, A., Rostami, J., Schneider-Muntau, B. (2024): Simulation of Complex Support Systems for Large Span Tunnels: Investigation on Support Interferences and Effects of Constitutive Models. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 28/11, 5309-5324.
Siahkouhi, M., Pletzer, C., Marcher, T., Schneider-Muntau, B. (2024): Investigation on shear strength parameters of soil and soft rock material in the low stress range. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.
de Vugt, L., Zieher, T., Schneider-Muntau, B., Moreno, M., Steger, S. & Rutzinger, M. (2024): Spatial transferability of the physically based model TRIGRS using parameter ensembles. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1-18.
Dai, X., Schneider-Muntau, B., Krenn, J., Zangerl, C., Fellin, W. (2023): Mechanisms for the Formation of an Exceptionally Gently Inclined Basal Shear Zone of a Landslide in Glacial Sediments – The Ludoialm Case. Applied Sciences, 13/11, 6837.
Pfeiffer, J., Zieher, T., Schneider-Muntau, B. (2022): Slope stability evolution of a deep-seated landslide considering a constantly deforming topography. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48/5, 923-939.
Schneider-Muntau, B., Dai, X., Fellin, W. (2022): Sensitivity analyses of the different influencing factors on numerical investigations of landslides. Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 15/5, 582-595.
Shafieiganjeh, R., Ostermann, M., Schneider-Muntau, B., Gems, B. (2022): Assessment of the landslide dams in Western Austria, Bavaria and Northern Italy (part of the Eastern Alps): Data inventory development and application of geomorphic indices. Geomorphology, 415, 108403.
Schneider-Muntau, B., Branke, J., Dai, X., Cordes, T. (2022): Numerische Anwendungen im Naturgefahrenmanagement als Beitrag zu nachhaltigen Lsöungen. Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift, 167, 32-33.
Franco, A., Schneider-Muntau, B., Roberts, N. J., Clague, J. J., Gems, B. (2021): Geometry-Based Preliminary Quantification of Landslide-Induced Impulse Wave Attenuation in Mountain Lakes. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11, 11614.
Dai, X., Schneider-Muntau, B., Fellin, W., Franco, A., Gems, B. (2021): Engineering-Geological Analysis of a Subaerial Landslide in Taan Fiord, Alaska. Remote Sensing 2021, 13, 4258.
Franco, A., Moernaut, J., Schneider-Muntau, B., Strasser, M., Gems, B. (2021): Triggers and consequences of landslide-induced impulse waves – 3D dynamic reconstruction of the Taan Fiord 2015 tsunami event. Engineering Geology, Volume 294, 5 December 2021, 106384.
Kilian, S., Ortner, H., Schneider-Muntau, B. (2021): Buckle folding in the Northern Calcareous Alps-Field observations and numeric experiments. Journal of Structural Geology 150, No. 104416.
Franco, A., Moernaut, J., Schneider-Muntau, B., Strasser, M., Gems, B. (2020): The 1958 Lituya Bay tsunami – pre-event bathymetry reconstruction and 3D numerical modelling utilising the computational fluid dynamics software Flow-3D. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20, 2255-2279.
Schneider-Muntau, B. (2020): Modelling of the interaction between structures and creeping slopes. Die Modellierung der Interaktion von Bauwerken und Kriechhängen. Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 13/6, 612-619.
Saadati, G., Javankhoshdel, S., Mohebbi Najm Abad, J., Mett, M., Kontrus, H., Schneider-Muntau, B. (2024): AI-Powered Geotechnics: Enhancing Rock Mass Classification for Safer Engineering Practices. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2024.
Salehi, B., Golshani, A., Rostami, J., Schneider-Muntau, B. (2024): Simulation of Complex Support Systems for Large Span Tunnels: Investigation on Support Interferences and Effects of Constitutive Models. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 28/11, 5309-5324.
Siahkouhi, M., Pletzer, C., Marcher, T., Schneider-Muntau, B. (2024): Investigation on shear strength parameters of soil and soft rock material in the low stress range. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering.
de Vugt, L., Zieher, T., Schneider-Muntau, B., Moreno, M., Steger, S. & Rutzinger, M. (2024): Spatial transferability of the physically based model TRIGRS using parameter ensembles. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1-18.
Dai, X., Schneider-Muntau, B., Krenn, J., Zangerl, C., Fellin, W. (2023): Mechanisms for the Formation of an Exceptionally Gently Inclined Basal Shear Zone of a Landslide in Glacial Sediments – The Ludoialm Case. Applied Sciences, 13/11, 6837.
Pfeiffer, J., Zieher, T., Schneider-Muntau, B. (2022): Slope stability evolution of a deep-seated landslide considering a constantly deforming topography. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48/5, 923-939.
Schneider-Muntau, B., Dai, X., Fellin, W. (2022): Sensitivity analyses of the different influencing factors on numerical investigations of landslides. Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 15/5, 582-595.
Shafieiganjeh, R., Ostermann, M., Schneider-Muntau, B., Gems, B. (2022): Assessment of the landslide dams in Western Austria, Bavaria and Northern Italy (part of the Eastern Alps): Data inventory development and application of geomorphic indices. Geomorphology, 415, 108403.
Schneider-Muntau, B., Branke, J., Dai, X., Cordes, T. (2022): Numerische Anwendungen im Naturgefahrenmanagement als Beitrag zu nachhaltigen Lösungen. Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift, 167, 32-33.
Franco, A., Schneider-Muntau, B., Roberts, N. J., Clague, J. J., Gems, B. (2021): Geometry-Based Preliminary Quantification of Landslide-Induced Impulse Wave Attenuation in Mountain Lakes. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11, 11614.
Dai, X., Schneider-Muntau, B., Fellin, W., Franco, A., Gems, B. (2021): Engineering-Geological Analysis of a Subaerial Landslide in Taan Fiord, Alaska. Remote Sensing 2021, 13, 4258.
Franco, A., Moernaut, J., Schneider-Muntau, B., Strasser, M., Gems, B. (2021): Triggers and consequences of landslide-induced impulse waves – 3D dynamic reconstruction of the Taan Fiord 2015 tsunami event. Engineering Geology, Volume 294, 5 December 2021, 106384.
Kilian, S., Ortner, H., Schneider-Muntau, B. (2021): Buckle folding in the Northern Calcareous Alps-Field observations and numeric experiments. Journal of Structural Geology 150, No. 104416.
Franco, A., Moernaut, J., Schneider-Muntau, B., Strasser, M., Gems, B. (2020): The 1958 Lituya Bay tsunami – pre-event bathymetry reconstruction and 3D numerical modelling utilising the computational fluid dynamics software Flow-3D. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20, 2255-2279.
Schneider-Muntau, B. (2020): Modelling of the interaction between structures and creeping slopes. Die Modellierung der Interaktion von Bauwerken und Kriechhängen. Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 13/6, 612-619.