Short Description
ÖPIA is the Austrian Interdisciplinary Platform on Ageing.
The platform was founded in 2009 by leading Austrian scientists from various disciplines, who deal with questions of ageing and future perspectives in times of demographic ageing.
Since 2016, ÖPIA has been coordinating the national "Network on Ageing" (Netzwerk Altern) on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).
ÖPIA is an independent non-profit, non-partisan organization. Its objective is to enable contact and interdisciplinary collaboration at the national level as well as scientific networking at the international level. By organizing a variety of initiatives and activities, ÖPIA fosters communication and facilitates knowledge transfer between scientists, politicians and the general public. It deals with questions relevant to society, affecting all social classes and generations in times of demographic change.
Contact Person
Dr. Georg Ruppe, MA
Research Services
Objectives of ÖPIA
- Conducting inter- and transdisciplinary analysis of the demographics of ageing
- Increasing cooperation between different disciplines and retrieving new findings, gained through this holistic and interdisciplinary approach
- Elaborating comprehensive, scientifically sound and politically relevant strategies for the (Austrian) society in an international context
- Raising public awareness and improving the image of ageing in the realms of society as well as discussing the most relevant questions in public
- Acting as a contact point and link between research, practice and politics for questions related to ageing and intergenerational relations
- Linking ÖPIA with other international networks
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Objectives of ÖPIA:
- Conducting inter- and transdisciplinary analysis of the demographics of ageing
- Increasing cooperation between different disciplines and retrieving new findings, gained through this holistic and interdisciplinary approach
- Elaborating comprehensive, scientifically sound and politically relevant strategies for the (Austrian) society in an international context
- Raising public awareness and improving the image of ageing in the realms of society as well as discussing the most relevant questions in public
- Acting as a contact point and link between research, practice and politics for questions related to ageing and intergenerational relations
- Linking ÖPIA with other international networks
Principles of ÖPIA:
- ÖPIA acts on a non-partisan, independent and non-profit basis
- ÖPIA does by no means aim to duplicate or substitute existing research institutions or projects
- ÖPIA deals with questions relevant to society and politics
- ÖPIA welcomes input from scientifically and politically interested persons
- ÖPIA acts on a non-partisan, independent and non-profit basis
- ÖPIA does by no means aim to duplicate or substitute existing research institutions or projects
- ÖPIA deals with questions relevant to society and politics
- ÖPIA welcomes input from scientifically and politically interested persons
Lead: Georg Ruppe (Projektleiter), Andreas Stückler (stv. Projektleiter).
Partner and Financing: Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger, Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz, Land Steiermark, Ressort für Wissenschaft und Forschung, Gesundheit und Pflegemanagement.
Netzwerk Altern - Altern und demografischer Wandel als Herausforderung und Chance
Looking at the great challenges and chances of an ageing society, it is a central objective of the “Network on Ageing” to improve the utility of the available knowledge from research and practice. The network platform „Network on Ageing“ encourages and consolidates the…
- strategic cooperation and synergies in the research community,
- interdisciplinary scientific collaboration,
- connectivity to European programs and initiatives,
- cooperation and communication between science, policymakers (decision-makers) and public agency in the research on ageing.
Financing: Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF).
SUSTAIN - Sustainable Tailored Integrated Care For Older People In Europe (2014-2020)
SUSTAIN is a cross-European research project and stands for sustainable tailored integrated care for older people in Europe as well as gathers partners from nine countries in Europe: Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Spain, The Netherlands and the UK. The project is funded by Horizon 2020, the European Commission’s funding programme to support research activities.
AAL Vision 2025 - Entwicklung einer AAL Vision 2025 für Österreich unter Einbeziehung von Stakeholdern und internationalen Trends
Financing: IKT der Zukunft – benefit: Demografischer Wandel als Chance, Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (BMVIT) and Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG).
Partners: SYNYO GmbH – Research & Development Department und Salzburg Research and Forschungsgesellschaft m.b.H. (SRFG).
INKO - Incontinence und social participation in later age
Financing: Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit und Konsumentenschutz (BMASGK), Abt. V/6 Grundsatzangelegenheiten der SeniorInnen-, Bevölkerungs- und Freiwilligenpolitik.
Partners: Medizinische Kontinenzgesellschaft Österreich (MKÖ).
„Eine Stimme für alle“ - Possibilities and boundaries of barrierfree interviews in social statistics
The project is funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF) and the Essl Foundation.
Partners: Statistik Austria, Caritas Wien und Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU), Kompetenzzentrum für Nonprofit Organisationen and Social Entrepreneurship.
KOMMA – communication with relatives
Financing: Programm „Pflege inklusiv“ der Stiftung Wohlfahrtspflege NRW.
Partners: Hospizbewegung Düren-Jülich e.V. (NRW) und UMIT Hall i. Tirol.
Projekt, Initiative "IKT der Zukunft: benefit - demografischer Wandel als Chance"
Wohnbau für eine alternde Gesellschaft (2014)
Studie der ÖPIA im Auftrag der HYPO NOE Landesbank
Alterung der Bevölkerung und Fairness zwischen den Generationen: Gewonnene Jahre oder drückende Last? (2013)
Studie der ÖPIA im Auftrag der HYPO NOE Landesbank
Ausgewählte Beiträge zum "Aktiven Altern" (2012)
Interdisziplinäre Publikation im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz.
ÖPIA Vorlesungen zur Alternden Gesellschaft 2010: Grenzgänge - Vom Arbeitsleben in den Ruhestand
Sammelpublikation zu den ÖPIA Vorlesungen 2010