Short Description
DAMAP is an open-source software tool that can be implemented at research institutions to facilitate the creation of data management plans (DMPs).
Contact Person
Christiane Stork
Research Services
DAMAP supports researchers in managing both data and code along the research data lifecycle and helps meet funders’ requirements by generating DMPs in funder-specific templates. DAMAP can integrate with an institution’s existing systems, e.g., the CRIS, to pull relevant data into a DMP, increasing accuracy and reducing the overall effort needed to complete a DMP.
The content and structure of DAMAP is based on Science Europe's Core Requirements for Data Management Plans. The tool guides users through all sections of a DMP in ten steps by asking questions, suggesting text, and providing helpful information. As a result, DAMAP delivers a DMP as a document that can be customised and used for submission to European and national research funders. Furthermore, the tool is compatible with the RDA’s recommendation for machine-actionable DMPs and offers a JSON export of the DMP.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
DAMAP is available as open-source code but requires technical expertise to implement. More information and assistance can be requested from the DAMAP team.