Short Description
The ion source allows creation, trapping and extraction of ions in high charge states. Highest available charge states are defined by the binding energy of the electrons to be ionized, which cannot exceed 15keV, e.g. for xenon the charge state does not exceed 44. The ion extraction is defined by an adjustable potential between 5-12kV, thus the final kinetic energy of the ions is between 5-530keV for the example above. Ions can also be trapped in the ionisation volume and are accessible through vacuum ports for optical spectroscopy. The ion source is equipped with a Wien filter which allows selection of specific ion charge states upon extraction.
Contact Person
Prof. Dr. Richard Wilhelm
Research Services
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Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The ion source is suitable for experimental studies in the fields of surface physics and nano science. Highly charged ions show a high efficiency for nanostructure formation. The ion source is further used for charge state dependent ion scattering experiments on surfaces.
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany