Short Description
The CytoFLEX is a flow cytometer with a high fluorescent sensitivity as well as a high resolution. Therefore, it is possible to detect particles bigger than 0.2 µm with the violet side scatter.
Contact Person
Karin Kohlweiss BSc
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Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The instrument is equipped with 4 lasers (488 nm, 561 nm, 638 nm und 405 nm) and overall 13 florescent channels. Samples can be taken from 96-well plates (U, V, flat bottom) as well as tubes (Eppendorf cups, 5 ml tubes). During the measurement in plates, it is possible to cool the plate loader. The cell concentration is detected without any additional counter beads. The cells or particles pass the laser in a sheath fluid with high velocity. According to the shape, size and/or staining of the cell or particle, scattered light is emitted, which is then detected by filters and WDM’s (wavelength division multiplexers). Whereas the forward scatter signal depends on size, the side scatter signal is up to the complexity and granularity of the cell or particle. In addition, a fluorescent signal can be produced by staining of certain properties of cells or particles with dyes which directly bind, or with fluorescently labelled antibodies.