LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
Klausen-Leopoldsdorf | Website

Short Description
The site Klausen-Leopoldsdorf is part of the European Level II Forest Monitoring System in the frame of the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests). The site was established in 1995 and is, since 2006, part of the LTER Austria network. It is situated in a homogenous 80 years-old managed beech stand about 20km west of Vienna.
Contact Person
Ferdinand Kristöfel
Research Services
Forest monitoring; the main objective is to gain a better understanding of the cause-effect relationships between the condition of forest ecosystems and anthropogenic as well as natural stress factors (in particular air pollution) by means of intensive monitoring on a number of selected permanent observation plots spread over Europe
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Climate, air chemistry, water chemistry, biomass, primary production, ecosystem parameter, environmental parameter, species compositon, land use parameter, soil chemirty, soil parameter, soil water chemistry