AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
Wiener Neustadt | Website

Short Description
device for the analysis of chemical composition via infrared analysis
Contact Person
DI Alexander Grafl
Research Services
realisation of R&D services in the framework of customer orders or long-term cooperation in (inter-)national research projects
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
identification of lubricants and their components; qualitative and quantitative analysis of lubricant condition (condition monitoring) according to DIN 51451, DIN 51452 and DIN 51453, ASTM E2412, JOAP and various OEM specific procedures; the test sample is subjected to infrared radiation and the attenuated radiation is detected as a function of the wavelength; the peak position of absorption bands allow spectrum interpretation for qualitative and quantitative composition; at used lubricant analysis (condition monitoring) where changes of used lubricants are determined and interpreted in comparison with the corresponding fresh lubricants