University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Tulln a.d. Donau | Website

Short Description
Microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria are a source of new bioactive substances (metabolites) such as antibiotics. The research platform BiMM Bioactive Microbial Metabolites of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences works at the research site in Tulln and has set itself the goal of isolating new bioactive substances. The infrastructure includes equipment for conducting microbiological experiments and high-throughput screening. The incubators and readers are integrated into these processes.
Contact Person
Christoph Schüller
Research Services
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
It can be assumed that microorganisms can produce many times more substances than has been described so far. This potential of microbial dark matter is one of the priorities in BiMM research.
Our approach seeks and characterizes previously unknown bioactive substances and enzymes from bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. By mimicking natural conditions, biotic interactions between different organisms in different chemical and physical environments are facilitated, thereby promoting the production of specific metabolites.
High-throughput automated liquid-handling systems generate combinatorial biotrophic and chemogenic interactions and allow the analysis of bioactive principles such as metabolites, enzymes and other substances. Equipment for upscaling, small scale fermentation (30 l) and chemical analysis are ready.