Short Description
Mechatronics – an intelligent fusion of informatics, mechanics and electronics – is our forte.
The demands that products and production processes must meet are constantly on the rise. Challenges include the growing flexibility of production processes, elevated process quality, increasing miniaturisation and customisation of products and systems versus shorter development times, resource-saving production, and significantly more efficient integration of development and production processes. The specific knowledge that our employees possess forms the basis for collaborations in research and development and the foundations to design new, intelligent, networked or autonomous systems for the manufacturing industry.
Contact Person
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Johann Hoffelner, MSc
Research Services
Our infrastructure enables us to manufacture prototypes and small batch sizes. With integrated hardware and software development for applications in simulation, product optimisation, measurement technology and data transmission, we design the products, systems and processes of the next generation.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Our infrastructure enables us to manufacture prototypes and small batch sizes. With integrated hardware and software development for applications in simulation, product optimisation, measurement technology and data transmission, we design the products, systems and processes of the next generation. Our expertise is Mechatronics – an intelligent fusion of informatics, mechanics and electronics.
science partner: johannes kepler university, austria | flandersmake, finland | yamagata university, japan | university innsbruck | fau - friedrich alexander university erlangen-nürnberg, germany | university de pavia, italy | scch - softwarepark hagenberg, austria | tampere university of technology, finland | university sapienza, italy | rwth achen university, germany | fimecc, finish cluster, finland | university stuttgart, germany | university bremen, germany | university magdeburg, germany | polytech, st. petersburg, russia