Short Description
Audio: 91 individually driven loudspeakers; four additional subwoofer channels; 96 audio channels in total.
Geometry: angular distance between the loudspeakers: below 20°; Horizontal range: 360°; Vertical range: from -45° to +90°; Radius (from the array center to the loudspeaker membrane): 1.2 m.
Various: redundant emergency deactivation; video surveillance of the subject;
The purpose of the device is to perform basic research in the field of spatial hearing and spatial audio reproduction (virtual acoustics).
Contact Person
Piotr Majdak
Research Services
Development and execution of acoustic measurements as well as psychoacoustic experiments.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Development and execution of acoustic measurements as well as psychoacoustic experiments related to virtual acoustics.
Terms of use depend on the particular project and are to be negotiated in an individual basis.