Short Description
Microtester G2 device by CellScale is used for performing compression tests on objects from 50 µm to several mm in size. The object is compressed with a cantilever with a platen at the tip. The process is imaged with two cameras, while the piezo unit records the force and the displacement values. The sample can be in a controlled environment, liquid and temperature of choice.
Contact Person
Aleksandr Ovsianikov
Research Services
The device is available to use for any interested scientist. There is possibility for assistance during use.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The device has mainly been used to obtain force-displacement curves when compressing 3D biological samples, such as spheroids and organoids.
In order to get access to the device, please email the facility manager to get the training. The usage is charged by the hour.
LifeScope3D, funded by the FFG.