Short Description
The Art Collections of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna consist of the Paintings Gallery, the Graphic Collection, and the Plaster Cast Collection. They are home to important works by old masters, an extensive graphic collection, works from the Academy’s milieu, historical teaching aids, such as model drawings and photographs, and a collection of plaster casts. It currently includes some 1,200 paintings, over 100,000 inventory numbers of works on paper, and 450 plaster casts.
Some of these holdings can be viewed publicly via Online Collections. The basic data and digital copies of the respective works can be accessed. The Collections Online are continuously supplemented and updated.
The object data and digital copies are managed in the background using the MuseumPlus database software.
Contact Person
Kunstsammlungen der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Research Services
In addition to a full-text search, Online Collections also offers various forms of extended, in-depth research options. The digital copies can be downloaded at a resolution of 300 dpi, approx. A5 (3000 pixels on the longest side) and used for academic purposes and other publications in accordance with the licence. You can also use the portfolio function to create and save or print your own lists. Online Collections is bilingual (German/English), whereby free text fields have only been partially translated into English.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The object-specific basic data recorded in the MuseumPlus database software was checked, supplemented and corrected prior to online publication. For the Graphic Collection, this check was carried out in accordance with the ‘LIDO-Handbuch für die Erfassung und Publikation von Metadaten zu kulturellen Objekten, Band 1: Graphik’, published by the "Deutsches Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte – Bildarchiv Foto Marburg/Christian Bracht".
The digital copies were produced in the Graphic Collection using a high-resolution scanner (SensiShot 94 with i2s XTRA camera from Walter Nagel GmbH & Co. KG) at a resolution of 400 ppi and in JPEG format. Larger objects and the works of the Paintings Gallery and Plaster Cast Collection were digitised by external photographers.