Short Description
The Research Support Facility- Mass spectrometry is a newly established infrastructure at the University of Vienna, located on the 3rd floor of the University Biology Building (UBB), room 3.066. This facility houses two high-resolution mass spectrometry instruments:
Orbitrap-Astral, and Q-Exactive (QE) Plus, both from Thermo Scientific.
The Orbitrap-Astral instrument is coupled with a Vanquish Neo liquid chromatography system. Additionally, the Orbitrap-Astral is interfaced with FAIMS, which provides an extra level of increased sensitivity for measurements.
In addition to the Orbitrap-Astral, the QE Plus high-resolution instrument is also coupled with a Nano-flow liquid chromatography system, forming part of this mass spectrometry infrastructure.
The main focus of this facility is protein and proteomic measurements using high-resolution mass spectrometry methods.
Contact Person
Dr Dr Leila Afjehi - Leiterin (head)
Research Services
We cover a broad range of methodologies for proteomics and protein mass spectrometry. These applications include shotgun proteomics, quantitative proteomics, targeted mass spectrometry, measurement of low-load samples, and post-translational modifications (PTMs) such as phosphorylation. These methodologies are based on liquid chromatography separation. In addition to our main technologies, we also offer support to our collaborators with data analysis and sample preparation for mass spectrometry measurements, based on available capacity.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Method Development, Quantitative Proteomics, Proteomic Discovery, Targeted Mass Spectrometry, PTMs, Low-Load Sample Analysis