Short Description
Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH manages the transfer of knowledge and innovation from universities to the market.
It networks university locations and creates interdisciplinary synergies between specialised fields and institutes for the continuous design of the innovation and value chain.
The purpose of the company is to convert innovative research potential resulting from basic university research into application-orientated solutions and thus to promote the transfer of know-how and technology in the interests of Austria as a centre of science and business.
The RSA FG functions as a network of smaller, flexible research units called Research Studios, which carry out business-oriented application research and development in teams at various locations throughout Austria under the leadership of a studio manager.
In addition to the market and results-orientation of their research (see Rapid Prototyping Method and MIR-Modular Iterative Reframing Procedure), an essential component of Research Studios Austria is also the flexibility in the introduction of new studios and their closure.
Contact Person
Valentina Just
Research Services
If you are interested in a co-operation or collaboration, please contact us.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The RSA FG and its studios rapidly translate university-based scientific research into innovative solutions and products in the field of information and communication technologies. The research organisation drives technological developments in thematic niches directly through to demonstration and prototype development. The aim is to significantly shorten the time it takes for companies to absorb selected technologies (time to market).