Short Description
The SDIS ‘Smart Digital Industries and Services’ studio focuses on digital industries and services and the associated production processes, optimisation options and mastering the complexity inherent in production. The three pillars ‘Industry 4.0/5.0 & Digital Services’, ‘Digital Fitness’ and ‘Sandboxing & Laboratory Environments’ branch out further into the areas of autonomous management, edge technologies, Internet of Things and Society 5.0. In addition, the use of AI and machine learning is becoming increasingly relevant and therefore represents further focal points in the studio.
Contact Person
Valentina Just
Research Services
If you are interested in a co-operation or collaboration, please contact us.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The focal points anchored in the studio are currently most strongly characterised by research initiatives on the circular economy and the sustainable industrial production of plants and fish in artificial environments. Some of the production takes place in completely artificial, AI-supported environments. The studio's research work is intended to help better understand the production processes, carry them out autonomously and optimise them. The optimal utilisation of scaling effects is being researched, as well as the efficient use of production networks and supply chains.
The SDIS studio has already conceptualised and implemented a number of sandboxing and laboratory environments. These are encapsulated plant simulations in which the real conditions of real plants are simulated in detail. On the one hand, this makes day-to-day work easier thanks to the permanent availability of an experimental plant and, at the same time, reduces the risk of negative production influences on the real plants when carrying out experiments. The experimental facilities act as an effective tool for communicating research results to external interest groups by making them tangible and accessible. This enables successful dissemination activities. In addition, numerous international events were co-organised in which regional stakeholders were involved and the location gained international visibility.