LTER-Austria - Austrian Society for Long-term Ecological Research
Rupprechtshofen | Website

Short Description
The Grabenegg Field Station (Alpenvorland), Lower Austria, is an agricultural research site of the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES). It is representative of productive soils managed as arable land. The site is located in the Alpenvorland and the soil described as Gleyic Cambisol (WRB). Cultivated crops and research topics are similar to the site Fuchsenbigl.
Contact Person
Adelheid Spiegel
Research Services
At the site Rottenhaus /Grabenegg long-term agro-ecological field experiments (mineral and organic fertilisation including the management of crop residues) are conducted. Research topics include the achievement of optimal productivity under minimal adverse environmental impact, the C-, N-, P-, K- and Mg cycle, deduction of optimal fertilisation and soil nutrient status.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The following long-term field experiments are still conducted:
• Long term mineral K-fertilisation (since 1954), long-term P fertilisation (different P-forms, since 1954)
• Removal/return of crop residues, P-fertilisation (since 1986)
Soil data, e.g. pH, Corg, Nt, plant available nutrients (P, K), texture, potential N mineralisation, are collected at irregular intervals, crop data each year.