University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Tulln an der Donau | Website

Short Description
Weighing scales lysimeter system like DroughtSpotter allows the performance of plant water-relations experiments under semi-field conditions and with the possibility to exclude rain. The DroughtSpotter solution features combine the possibility of continuous acquisition of gravimetric data (allowing to assess plant transpiration) together with automatic and individual irrigation scheduling per each scale. Irrigation scheduling is therefore flexible, allowing an automatic full control over the soil water content along the experiment on each individual pot in the system. By combining the system with further ecophysiology devices (e.g. to measure leaf gas exchange, plant water potential, etc.) and environmental data, very robust datasets can be acquired. The system is particularly suitable for studies on perennial crops (e.g. grapevines, apples or other fruit-trees).
Contact Person
Jose Carlos Herrera
Research Services
Scientific cooperation is possible. Interested researchers and/or institutions, kindly contact Dr. Jose Carlos Herrera for further information
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The system is located in open field conditions and under a fixed rain-shelter (film cover). It consists of ninety pots, each with a maximum weight of 50 kg. The system is arranged in two blocks, one with 54 scales and the other with 36 scales. In each block, the scales are distributed in three rows. Plant cultivation can be adjusted to specific needs.
Sensors include Phenospex FieldScale 50kg (400x400 mm load plate; maximum capacity 50kg with a 50g total error) and an irrigation module. There is a weather station nearby (less than 50 meters away) recording temperature, rain, wind speed and direction, and radiation. Additionally, there is a temperature and humidity sensor below the rain-shelter.