AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
Wiener Neustadt | Website

Short Description
test device with linear-oscillating motion in a test chamber designed as an electrochemical cell with highly corrosive ambient medium for the combined investigation of the friction, wear and corrosion properties of tribological systems
Contact Person
DI(FH) DI Dr. mont. Andreas Trausmuth
Research Services
realisation of tribological R&D services for the description of materials and component interactions in the framework of customer orders or long-term cooperation in (inter-)national research projects
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
simulation of a horizontally or vertically arranged linear-oscillating relative movement with a frequency in the range of up to a few Hz between two pressed-on surface- or tube-like friction partners in an extremely abrasive and corrosive liquid environment (test chamber conditions: room temperature to 100 °C., test chamber pressure up to 3 bar, oxygen content reduced to a few ppb, gas flooding with, for example, corrosive gas, introduction of abrasives, etc.); for this purpose, the fully closed test chamber is designed as an electrochemical cell, whereby the electrochemical (corrosive) potential between two metallic materials (test specimens) in the frictional contact can be determined