Austrian Center for Medical Innovation and Technology (ACMIT GmbH)
Wiener Neustadt | Website

Short Description
ACMIT can provide simulations for optical problems in various application areas. Modern simulation packages for field-tracing and ray-tracing as well as an experienced team allow for rigorous calculations of electromagnetic fields. Thus also unusual geometries can be calculated taking diffractive effects into account and optimizations of optical target values can be performed.
Contact Person
DI Kirsten Lux
Research Services
Simulations related to optical problems for optic design and optimization
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The well trained and experienced On-Site-Team of ACMIT provides simulations for optical problems using field-tracing and ray-tracing methods for rigorous calculations of electromagnetic fields. Thus also unusual geometries can be calculated taking diffractive effects into account and optimizations of optical target values can be performed.