Short Description
The Xenium Analyzer from 10X Genomics is a end-to-end solution enabling scientists to visualize, quantify, and analyze
gene expression and protein in tissue sections that are immobilized onto a Xenium slide. It allows high-throughput subcellular mapping of 100s to 1,000s of RNA targets alongside multiplexed protein in the same tissue section. The Xenium Analyzer fully automates and integrates sample handling, liquid handling, and wide-field epifluorescence imaging. The chemistry used is highly sensitive and specific as so called "padlock probes" that are flanked by two regions independently hybridize to the target RNA.
Fresh frozen (FF) and formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues can be used. A diverse menu of validated, off-the-shelf gene panels, as well as fully custom and multi-tissue panels, are available for profiling of genes of interest.
Data processing is performed in parallel to a run, allowing data outputs to be prepared quickly for interpretation. Data can be visualized with the Xenium Explorer or community-developed analysis tools.
The platform enables studies to not only locate and type cells within their biological context, but also address questions about cell–cell communication, profile cellular microenvironments, and identify rare cell infiltration as well as isoforms and gene-fusions.
The workflow is also non-destructive: both hematoxylin & eosin (H&E) and immunofluorescence (IF) staining are possible on the same tissue section, enabling the direct comparison of Xenium transcriptional data to morphological data.
Furthermore the Xenium analyzed tissue can also be used for the unbiased 10X Genomics based CytAssist Visium Spatial transcriptomics workflow.
Contact Person
Karin Meister
Research Services
Spatial Transcriptomic Analysis
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Spatial transcriptomic anaylsis of tissue at subcellular resolution