Short Description
X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy system (XPS):
The XPS system of ZONA (Thetaprobe from Thermo Fisher) allows performing surface analytics on solid surfaces with respect to the determination of elemental concentrations and chemical composition. The depth of information is in the range between 5-10 nm, depending upon the sample material. The lateral resolution of this system is at least 20 - 50 µm (standard 200 - 400 µm). By angle resolved measurements additional information on the depth distribution of elements and chemical compounds can be obtained. Depth profiling by Ar-ion sputtering is equally possible. A heating and cooling sampel holder is available, as well as am additional preparation chamber, which is directly connected to the UHV-system of the XPS.
Contact Person
Assoz.-Prof. DI Dr. David Stifter
Research Services
Basic research projects, publicly funded research projects with company participation, industrial research and measurement/research services
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Expertise in the surface analytics of composite and polymer materials, metals and their oxides as well as semiconductors and isolators. Special expertise in the investigation of "uncooperative" surfaces (e.g. complex heterogenous systems like corroded surfaces, samples from industrial production, powders,...). Depth profiling by ion sputtering and angle resolved measurements. Strengthening of the interdisciplinary cooperation with the expert team of the center for surface- and nanoanalytics.
Allocation to research infrastructure
Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH
Fronius International GmbH
CEST Kompetenzzentrum für elektrochemische Oberflächentechnologie GmbH