Short Description
The ITRAX Core Scanner collects element profiles in the range Si-U downcore from split core sections up to 12 cm in diameter and 1.8 m in length. Core sections are first scanned to achieve a constant working distance from the X-ray detector using a laser finder to map the topography of the cut core surface. Then scanned at a step-size that is defined by the user to obtain an ED-XRF spectrum at each step. A digital continuous-strip X-radiograph, 22 mm in width, can be collected immediately prior to the XRF scan using a charge-coupled (CCD) line camera located below the core. The count time for each measurement is also user-definable but should not be less than 30 seconds if minor elements are to be well-detected. The X-ray beam used to irradiate the core is generated using a Cr X-ray tube (typically run at 55kV and 50 ma for x-radiography and 30kV and 50ma for the XRF scan) and focused through a flat capillary wave guide. The recorded spectra are deconvolved in live time to construct profiles of peak area integrals for individual elements and Rayleigh and Compton scattering peaks. The element peak area will reflect element abundances within the sediment.
High-resolution geochemical proxy data for measuring environmental change
Bed provenance and correlation
Distribution of contaminants and diagentic relocation
Identification and characterisation of palaeosols, volcanic ash and ice-rafted debris
Contact Person
Univ.-Prof. Michael Strasser
Research Services
Radiography and XRF corescanning (either by by individual research on own core material upon initial instruction and training, or, as analyses services for public research institutions and private/commercial users)
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
nicht-invasive, elementchemische Analyse an Bohrkernen in hoher vertikaler (entlang der Bohrkernachse) Auflösung