Short Description
AAC’s test-facilities enable the measurement of the adhesion force between two materials in cyclic closed contacts which are subjected to fretting. This means that pin and disc are oscillated in their contact plane with small amplitudes (50 μm). "Cyclic contact" means that the contact between the pin and the disc is closed and opened for several (thousand) cycles
Contact Person
Aerospace & Advanced Composites GmbH
Research Services
Determination of coldwelding
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Cold-welding (or “contact-welding”, “adhesion”, “stiction”) is a solid-state welding process in which joining takes place without fusion/heating at the interface of the two parts. Coldwelding is likely to occur in metal-metal contacts in vacuum. This can lead to failure of space mechanism, which are typically stored compact while launch and are unfolded for their mission in orbit.