Short Description
The instrumental setup of the energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence device can be used for scanning samples up to A4 size (210x 297 mm²) with a resolution of 1 mm can be used. The optimum working distance between the sample and the measuring head is automatically controlled by an optical system in combination with a graphical AI. This avoids collisions between the sample and the measuring unit.
The use of a low-power X-ray tube in combination with a Peltier-cooled SSD detector and the compact design allow the system to be used as a mobile unit outside the laboratory.
Contact Person
Ao.Univ. Prof. DI.Dr. Christina Streli
Research Services
The X-ray Center of the Vienna University of Technology offers qualitative and quantitative element analyses. Non-destructive, spatially resolved analyses can be carried out with a resolution of 1 mm. The service is preferably offered to members of the TU Vienna. As part of cooperation within research projects, measurements/evaluations are also offered for institutions outside TU Wien. Orders from third parties can also be accepted to a limited extent.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
This spectrometer can be used to carry out non-destructive, spatially resolved element analyses with a resolution of 1 mm. The environment is ambient, so only elements from S upwards can be measured. The detection limits for dried residues of liquid samples on Kapton foils are in the 1 ng range.