Short Description
For the characterization of polymers with high pressure capillary rheometry, the polymer melt is extruded trough a capillary die with a piston. The entrance pressure drops to the level of the ambient pressure, while the melt passes the capillary. This pressure gradient as well as the melt flow rate are recorded and can then be converted to rheological properties of the material (flow curve, viscosity curve, flow instabilities, wall slip velocity).
Moreover, the rheometer can be equipped with a slit die to measure viscosity data. Furthermore, it enables the determination of pvT-data, the pressure-dependent viscosity, the thermal conductivity dependent on pressure and temperature as well as the die-swell. Deploying the additional rheotens setup allows the observation of the extensional viscosity.
Contact Person
FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont. Gernot Zitzenbacher
Research Services
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Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
polymer rheology