AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
Wiener Neustadt | Website

Short Description
laboratory device consisting of gas chromatography apparatus coupled to a triple-quad mass spectrometer for advanced chemical analysis of complex mixtures (e.g., lubricants or lubricant components)
Contact Person
Josef Brenner
Research Services
realisation of R&D services in the framework of customer orders or long-term cooperation in (inter-)national research projects
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
a diluted solution of a sample is applied to the separating column directly or via autoinjector (PTV, SPME, SSL, CPI, cryotrap, pyrolysis); the sample is separated into components according to boiling points and/or according to polarity (depending on the type of separating column); detectors: a flame ionization detector (FID) and a mass spectrometer (Triplequad, EI or CI) are used in parallel; primarily the GC-FID-MS is used for the qualitative and quantitative analysis and/or determination of organic composition of lubricants and fuels, as well as gaseous and solid materials; also, changes in composition due to usage and/or ageing are detected