Medical University of Vienna
Medizinische Universität Wien, Core Facilities | Website

Short Description
The Xenium Analyzer platform is a complete end-to-end solution, including a robust, fully automated instrument for high-throughput analysis, that enables scientists to visualize, quantify, and analyze gene expression and protein at the subcellular level in FF and FFPE-preserved tissue sections immobilized onto a Xenium slide. A diverse menu of validated, customizable gene panels, as well as fully custom and multi-tissue panels, are available.
The platform includes the Xenium Analyzer, a robust, versatile instrument for high-throughput analysis, that comes with onboard analysis capabilities to process image data, localize RNA and protein signals, and perform secondary analysis. The Xenium workflow starts with sectioning tissues onto a Xenium slide. The sections are then treatedto preserve and access the RNA with circularizable DNA probes. The DNA probes are flanked by two regions that independently hybridize to the target RNA and also contain a gene-specific barcode sequence. Ligation of the probe ends to each other then generates a circular DNA probe which is enzymatically amplified. In the event that one part of the probe experiences off-target binding, ligation will not occur, thus suppressing off-target signals and ensuring high specificity.
Contact Person
Martin Bilban
Research Services
In-situ Spatial Transcriptomics
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
For research projects in almost all areas of biomedicine, especially personalised and precision medicine, there is an urgent need to correlate the type of genes expressed with their localisation in cells and tissues. With this knowledge, it is possible to better assess the influence of the microenvironment on physiological and pathological processes of cell regulation and, for example, to study degenerative diseases or tumour development at the subcellular level. The Xenium Analyzer enables the quantitative and simultaneous localisation of thousands of different RNA molecules at single cell resolution on histological tissue sections