Short Description
IT:U LearnLabs are enabling spaces where IT:U students study digital technology in small groups following a project-based education concept. The human-computer interaction INES provides state of the art biosensors and storage and analytics computer infrastructure supporting human computer interaction experiments for educational purposes. All sensors have wireless interfaces, enabling recording of biosignals like heartrate, blood pressure, EEG etc. with minimal interference with a test persons activities. Facilities to interview subjects in a neutral environment and recreate work situations for study complete the lab.
Contact Person
Ghazal Hosseini
Research Services
Please contact the lab staff for information about research collaborations.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The IT:U LearnLabs are operated and maintained by doctoral and senior postdoctoral researchers and lecturers on a permanent basis. The staff of the human-computer interaction LearnLab Ines is experienced in conducting experimental research in human-computer interaction using biosensors to collect data and modern software tools to analyze this data.