Short Description
The specified research infrastructure is a UPLC system from Waters, which is equipped with a diode array detector and a Xevo TQD mass spectrometer. Analyte ions are generated by electrospray ionization. This setup can be used to analyze different samples from the pharmaceutical-chemical and biological fields. The coupling with the Xevo TQD allows tandem mass spectrometry experiments (such as SIM or MRM) and thus the detection of very small sample quantities.
Contact Person
Fabian Hammerle
Research Services
Research services are possible in exceptional cases only. For further details, please contact the following e-mail address:
The research infrastructure is “Open for Collaboration”. Commercial collaborations are not possible.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Conducting routine analyses using published, but also self-developed, validated methods. Different techniques can be used, from reversed-phase chromatography to HILIC.
Terms of use are defined within the framework of scientific cooperation. No commercial use possible. If you are interested in a cooperation or collaboration, please contact us.