Short Description
The Chemical Screening Module of the Molecular Discovery Platform at the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austria Academy of Sciences provides researchers in Austria with access to chemical biology resources. This includes a compound library with more than 100,000 small molecules, high-throughput and high-content screening and chemical proteomics to identify and characterize small molecules that affect new targets for studying biological processes and developing new drugs.
Contact Person
Dr. Stefan Kubicek
Research Services
The CeMM Molecular Discovery Platform includes a versatile screening system that integrates both high-content and high-throughput capabilities. The cell explorer robotic automated platform has two precision robots for plate handling, using 96-, 384-, or 1,536-well plates, and fully integrating all other instruments in the platform. Different liquid transfer options include acoustic (Beckman Echo 550) and automated pipette-based transfer (Revvity Janus) as well as bulk-dispensing (Thermo Multidrop) and plate washing capabilities (BioTek). Plates can be (de)lidded or (de)sealed automatically. A 210-plate incubator (Thermo Cytomat) with variable temperatures and carbon dioxide which renders the system compatible with cell based and phenotypic screens. Readout systems include a plate reader for fluorescence, absorbance and luminescence measurements (Revvity Envision) and a high-content automated confocal microscope with environmental control (Revvity Opera Phenix). The central part of the system is shielded within a HEPA-filter enclosure. A control software enables integrating all instrumentation and provides maximum flexibility in assay development.
In addition to the screening platform, the platform contains a fully automated compound store (sptlabtech comPOUND) to store and retrieve the compound collection at -20 ˚C in 100,000 2D-barcoded individual vials.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The CeMM Molecular Discovery Platform conducts approximately 40 screening projects annually and has acquired a high level of expertise in the development and implementation of diverse biochemical and cell based assay formats.