Short Description
The micro-XRF spectrometer with monochromatic exciation can analyze the spatial distribution of major, minor and trace elements in two dimensions with depth resolution ( 3D) non-destructively. The instrument's standard confocal design with two polycapillary half-lenses allows a spatial resolution of the element distribution of up to 15x15x15 µm. By replacing one of the polycapillary lenses with a collimator, the instrument can also be operated in non-confocal measurement mode (2D).
The detection limits achieved are in the order of 1 μg/g non-confocal and 20 μg/g confocal for e.g. arsenic in a glass matrix using the NIST standard reference materials (SRMs) 621 and 1412.
Contact Person
Ao.Univ. Prof. DI.Dr. Christina Streli
Research Services
The X-ray Center of the Vienna University of Technology offers nondistructive 2D and 3D element analysis with a resolution of 15x15x15 µm. The service is preferably offered to members of TU Wien. As part of cooperation within research projects, measurements/analyses are also offered to institutions outside TU Wien. Orders from third parties can also be accepted to a limited extent.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
With this spectrometer, element distributions can be determined non-destructively with a resolution of at least 15 µm. With the confocal spectrometer, depth-resolved element distributions can be determined non-destructively with a minimum resolution of 15 µm. The lightest element is sulphur, as the analysis is carried out in air.