We would like to be able to perform quantum information measurements in crystals made from inert gases such as neon, argon, and krypton. However, the creation of these type of crystals requires us to operate at temperatures near absolute zero. Furthermore, the process of creating these crystals requires us to start from the gas form and immediately change the gas to a solid. With both of these requirements taken into account, the cryogenic system will need to by dry and in vacuum. A pulse tube cooler exactly fits these requirements.
To perform the quantum information measurements, we will use a low-temperature superconducting cir-cuit. In order for this circuit to operate efficiently, we will need to cool down to temperatures below 1 kelvin. Experimentally this is typically done with liquid helium, however as stated above this is not feasible. As such, we would like to acquire an adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (ADR). This piece of equipment allows us to operate at temperatures very close to absolute zero while not requiring any liquids.
To conclude, in order to perform these quantum information experiments we require an apparatus that does not require liquids and is capable of reaching temperatures near absolute zero in vacuum.
Andreas Angerer
Research Services
The cryostat is most of the time not available for external use, because of the ongoing in-house experiments.
Methoden & Expertise zur Forschungsinfrastruktur
low temperature physics, micro wave technology, optics, vacuum