Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) is a method used to analyze biomolecular interactions by measuring the heat change that occurs when two molecules interact. Heat is liberated or absorbed as a result of the redistribution of non-covalent bonds when the interacting molecules go from the free to the bound state. The resulting isotherm is fitted to a binding model to obtain the affinity (KD), stoichiometry (N) and enthalpy of interaction (ΔH). The MicroCal PEAQ-ITC isothermal titration calorimeter from Malvern Instruments has a 200 μL sample cell and provides direct measurement of the heat absorbed or evolved as a result of mixing precise amounts of reactants in liquid samples.
Devid Drechsel
Research Services
Please refer to: https://www.viennabiocenter.org/vbcf/protein-technologies/
Methoden & Expertise zur Forschungsinfrastruktur
Please refer to: https://www.viennabiocenter.org/vbcf/protein-technologies/