Short Description
The specific research equipment and facilities available for materials science research on artworks are also implemented as CORE facilities and made accessible to other institutions and research partner facilities as part of shared services. By intensifying cooperation on site, the aim is to improve the cooperative use of resources. The cooperative use of existing research infrastructures will continue to be ensured through participation in the BMBWF research infrastructure database.
Contact Person
DI Dr. Dubravka Jembrih-Simbürger
Research Services
The focus of the core facility "ZMKK" is on scientific material analyses of artworks and archive materials using analytical methods such as: FTIR, Raman, XRF, UV-Vis, HSI, RSI, ESEM (EDX), Py-GC/MS, digital X-ray radiography and photo documentation (Vis, UV, IR, IRR), (3D) microscopy, chambers for accelerated ageing of samples.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The Institute for Natural Sciences and Technology in the Arts (INTK) and the Core Facility "Centre for Material Sciences in Art and Conservation (ZMKK)" are central facilities of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna for the natural scientific (material) analysis of works of art. The facilities support members of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna or other research institutions, museums, libraries, archives, etc. in the realisation of joint projects within the framework of research funding or contract research and also offers services (third-party funding) for external parties.
The focus is on scientific material analyses of artworks and archive materials using FTIR, Raman, XRF, UV-Vis, HSI, RSI, ESEM (EDX), Py-GC/MS, digital X-ray radiography and photo documentation (Vis, UV, IR, IRR), (3D) microscopy, chambers for accelerated ageing of samples. Further devices of the Core Facility, see Bundesdenkmalamt:
- IRIS Scanner (combined XRF- und Reflectance Spectral Imaging Spectrometer) & ESPRIT-REVEAL Software
- Scanning Electron Microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM/EDX)
- Apollo Camera, Infrared reflectography
- Image documentation
- GC/MS and Py-GC/MS Instrument
- Lumos II FTIR-Imaging-Microscope
- FT-Raman microscope
- Dispersive confocal Raman microscope InVia
- Portable dispersive Raman microscope Virsa
- The BIOLOG Odin VIII™ system for phenotypic characterisation