University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Tulln a.d. Donau | Website

Short Description
The Core Facility Bioactive Molecules: Screening and Analysis (BMoSA) provides high throughput microbiology screening resources and high-end mass spectrometry for small molecules as well as for polymers.
Contact Person
Christoph Schüller
Research Services
Chemical analysis, high resolution mass spectrometry, metabolomics, microscopy, microbial high throughput analysis
Services of the BOKU Core facilities can be booked at
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
The CF BMoSA focuses on high-throughput screening for the discovery of new bioactive substances and the comprehensive analysis of biological samples for their composition of natural metabolites, unwanted contaminants and polymers using mass spectrometry. High-resolution mass spectrometry allows the detection of the smallest amounts of metabolites and compounds being sought, as well as a holistic view of the entire substance spectrum of biotic and a-biotic samples (e.g. metabolomes). The focus on polymer analysis was generated from the diverse research activities on plastic re-/cycle problems at the Tulln Institute for Environmental Biotechnology. The search for new natural substances from microorganisms gave rise to a complex laboratory infrastructure for screening tasks, extended by robots, which is now also accessible within the framework of the CF BMoSA.
Doppler, M., B. Kluger, C. Bueschl, B. Steiner, H. Buerstmayr, M. Lemmens, R. Krska, G. Adam and R. Schuhmacher (2019). "Stable Isotope-Assisted Plant Metabolomics: Investigation of Phenylalanine-Related Metabolic Response in Wheat Upon Treatment With the Fusarium Virulence Factor Deoxynivalenol." Frontiers in Plant Science 10(1137).
Flasch, M., C. Bueschl, L. Woelflingseder, H. E. Schwartz-Zimmermann, G. Adam, R. Schuhmacher, D. Marko and B. Warth (2020). "Stable Isotope-Assisted Metabolomics for Deciphering Xenobiotic Metabolism in Mammalian Cell Culture." ACS Chemical Biology 15(4): 970-981.
Labuda R, Bacher M, Rosenau T, Gasparotto E, Gratzl H, Doppler M, Sulyok M, Kubátová A, Berger H, Cank K, Raja HA, Oberlies NH, Schüller C, Strauss J. Polyphasic Approach Utilized for the Identification of Two New Toxigenic Members of Penicillium Section Exilicaulis, P. krskae and P. silybi spp. nov. J Fungi (Basel). 2021 Jul 13;7(7):557. doi: 10.3390/jof7070557. PMID: 34356936; PMCID: PMC8307998.
Beyer R, Spettel K, Zeller I, Lass-Flörl C, Achleitner D, Krause R, Apfalter P, Buzina W, Strauss J, Gregori C, Schüller C, Willinger B. Antifungal susceptibility of yeast bloodstream isolates collected during a 10-year period in Austria. Mycoses. 2019 Apr;62(4):357-367. doi: 10.1111/myc.12892. Epub 2019 Feb 20. PMID: 30636016.
Zangl I, Beyer R, Gattesco A, Labuda R, Pap IJ, Strauss J, Schüller C. Limosilactobacillus fermentum Limits Candida glabrata Growth by Ergosterol Depletion. Microbiol Spectr. 2023 Feb 21;11(2):e0332622. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.03326-22. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36802215; PMCID:
Glutathione from recovered glucose as ingredient in antioxidant nanocapsules for triggered flavor delivery. Claudia Tallian, Vanessa Rumpler, Lukas Skopek, Hannes Russmayer, Matthias G. Steiger, Robert Vielnascher, Simone Weinberger, Alessandro Pellis, Sara Vecchiato and Georg M. Guebitz. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019,7, 3958-3969
Structural insights into pH-responsive drug release of self-assembling human serum albumin-silk fibroin nanocapsules. Claudia Tallian, Alexandra Herrero-Rollett, Karina Stadler, Robert, Vielnascher, Karin Wieland, Anna M. Weihs, Alessandro Pellis, Andreas H. Teuschl, Bernhard Lendl, Heinz Amenitsch, Georg M.Guebitz. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 2018, 133,176-187
Laccase catalyzed elimination of morphine from aqueous systems. Daniela Huber, Klaus Bleymaier, Alessandro Pellis, Robert Vielnascher, Andreas Daxbacher, Katrin J Greimel, Georg M Guebitz. New Biotechnol., 2018, 42, 19-25
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of hemicellulose and phenolic compounds from bamboo bast fiber powder. Cheng Wang, Claudia Tallian, Jing Su, Robert Vielnascher, Carla Silva, Artur Cavaco-Paulo, Georg M. Guebitz, Jiajia Fu. Plos One, 2018, 13, e0197537