University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Tulln a.d. Donau | Website
Short Description
The unit provides high throughput biomonitoring with an assembly of an automatic incubator (Cytomat 2C) and a robotic arm (Orbitor) in combination with a multiwell Reader (Synergy H1). Thus, microbial growth or other parameters can be measured in parallel in up to 42 96-well plates over time. The recorded growth curves provide additional quality analytic means to quantify growth of microorganisms.
Several species of bacteria, yeast (Saccharomyces) and Candida as well as filamentous fungi and plants such as Arabidopsis are in use as target organisms. Possible readouts include absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence. Therefore, detection of many parameters can be performed - from enzyme activities to gene expression in vivo.
Contact Person
Christoph Schüller
Research Services
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Main Method: Observation of the growth of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms in multiwell plate format (386-6) . Up to 42 plates in one experiment. Growth conditions are precisely maintained by the incubator. Data is continuously stored in the method.
Allocation to research infrastructure
Core Facility Bioactive Molecules: Screening and Analysis - BMoSA