Short Description
Climatic test chamber with 2 chambers for climate and environmental simulation and differential climate stress. The climatic test chamber is suitable for use in research, development and for testing of building materials and structures. Desired different climates are set in one or both usable chambers and optionally a construction element can be installed between the two chambers and the temperature and humidity dependent properties such as: Climatic stress, u-value, vapor diffusion and sorption can be determined.
The chambers can be additionally equipped with sensors and other equipment such as light through special openings.
The field of application is mainly the determination of material properties of innovative building materials and constructions, the observation of biological processes and the establishment of standard climatic conditions. The device can be programmed and climate data recorded via an interface.
Manufacturer: Feutron Klimasimulation GmbH
Technical data:
Chamber 1:
Temperature range: -40 to 100 °C
Relative humidity range: 10 to 95
Chamber 2:
Temperature range: 5 to 100 °C
Relative humidity range: 10 to 95 %
Contact Person
Univ. Prof. DI Dr.techn. Azra Korjenic
Research Services
Climate and environmental simulation, testing of temperature- and humidity-dependent material and structures properties
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
- Simulation of defined climates for testing constructions and materials.
- Material testing such as the determination of sorption and water vapor diffusion of building materials.
- Research on innovative and ecological building materials such as clay, straw, wood, moss and corresponding constructions.
The laboratory and workshop regulations of the TU Vienna must be taken into account.
"Engineering Parameters of Rice Straw Concrete with Granulated Blast Furnace Slag";
ENERGIES, 14 (2021), 343.
-M. Chriti, M. Mitterböck, A. Korjenic:
"Bauphysikalische Untersuchungen von mit Leinölfirnis stabilisierten und beschichteten Lehmputzen";
Bauphysik, 43 (2021), S. 1 - 7.
-H. Fischer, T. Salonen, M. Mitterböck, A. Korjenic:
"Untersuchung der hygrothermischen Eigenschaften eines ökologischen Bodenaufbaus aus Lehm";
Bauphysik, 42 (2020), 3; S. 116 - 123.