Short Description
Bruker VERTEX 80v infrared fourier spectrometer with He-flow cryostat, for measurements of the (frequency and temperature dependent) optical conductivity of single-crystals, via reflectivity.
Measurement of optical transmission to directly access semiconductors and insulators band gap
Contact Person
Prof. Neven Barišić
Research Services
Bruker VERTEX 80v infrared fourier spectrometer with He-flow cryostat, for measurements of the (frequency and temperature dependent) optical conductivity of single-crystals.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Optical conductivity in single crystals
Upon Request
TheOne - The Janus-face of the localized carrier in cuprates: Generating the pseudogap and high temperature superconductivity
Barisic N.
ERC Consolidator Grant
Barisic N.
ERC Consolidator Grant