Short Description
The Automated Gamma Spectrometer from Baltic Scientific Instruments is intended for the detection and analysis of artificial and naturally occurring radioisotopes from a various type of samples. The spectrometric system is able to determine the qualitative composition of the radionuclides and the activity of each radionuclide. The combination of a powerful HPGe-Detector (highly pure germanium p-type) and lead shielding to suppress the natural background enable measurements with extremely low detection limits. The robotic sample charger enables the user to measure up to 100 samples without having to interact with the Gamma Spectrometer. Both liquid and solid samples can be measured without complex sample preparation.
Contact Person
Armin Flatschacher
Research Services
Analytical Service of specific radioisotopes and their respective gamma activity levels in various samples.
Our experts are available to discuss your questions in detail and prepare an offer.
Please contact us with your specific request.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Case Examples:
- Radioactive isotopes and gamma radiation level in medical implants.
- Cs-137 in environmental samples (soil, mushrooms, etc...)
- NORM (Naturally Ocurring Radioactive Material), e.g. Rare Earth materials, Zirconia and Zircon, crude oil, building materials,...
- Ra, Th, U in bulky waste (eg. from uranium glass, old watches, ceramic tiles, ...)
To perform all sample manipulation safely, please provide a materials safety datasheet or equivalent safety information if possible. Unknown samples may require additional effort to evaluate risks.