University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Tulln an der Donau | Website

Short Description
IRGA Gas Analyser instrument allows the simultaneous measurement of the gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence of leaves. All parameters reflect plant photosynthesis and cover the exchange of CO2 and H2O through stomata and the efficiency of the photosystem to transfer light energy for CO2 fixation into carbon sources.
Physiological and photosynthetic parameters include the measurement option of light response curves and A/Ci curves. Measurements can be performed with controlled conditions and the instrument is capable of multiple independent controls, including light, CO2, H2O, and temperature. Chlorophyll a fluorescence with controlled light conditions and kinetics measurements possible. The graphical interface helps in setting measurement parameters and control data collection.
Contact Person
Michaela Griesser
Research Services
Scientific cooperation is possible. Interested researchers and/or institutions, kindly contact Dr. Michaela Griesser for further information
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Licor LI-6800F Portable Photosynthesis System does simultaneous measurements of gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence in plants. See for detailed specification of the system with Multiphase Flash Fluorometer head: