University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Tulln an der Donau | Website

Short Description
Phaenomobil is designed for high-throughput field phenotyping, capable of collecting data from large areas efficiently. It’s equipped with various sensors, such as thermal, RGB cameras, and LiDAR sensors, to collect diverse types of data. It can operate on various terrains, including slopes, rough ground, and different soil conditions. A detailed description of the technical characteristics of Phaenomobil can be found in the following link:
Contact Person
Research Services
Opportunities for scientific cooperation are possible. Interested researchers and institutions are requested to contact Kenny Paul for further information.
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
Phaenomobil is a HTP plant phenotyping solution to automate the measurement and quanitifcation of plant characteristics in field trials. BOKU Phaenomobil is equipped with the imaging sensors (RGB, LiDAR, Thermal) on a tractor-based vehicle. It will be able to automatically trigger data collection for all crops in plots (track width 1.5m) when the tractor drives onto the plot and store the data in a specific format with all the metadata for processing. It has a data storage management unit with a capacity of 16 TB which can automatically download, store the data directly on site, monitor the data quality and export the results in desired formats. It can also access the unit remotely to make instant decisions.