AC2T research GmbH - Austrian Excellence Center for Tribology
Wiener Neustadt | Website

Short Description
test device for determining friction and wear characteristics of materials using simplified sample geometries (e.g., ball, pin, cylinder, blocks, etc.)
Contact Person
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) MSc Thomas Lebersorger
Research Services
realisation of tribological R&D services for the description of materials and component interactions in the framework of customer orders or long-term cooperation in (inter-)national research projects
Methods & Expertise for Research Infrastructure
friction and wear tests (e.g. according to DIN ISO 7148-A) on a pin-, ball- or plate-shaped test specimens (with point, line or face contact), which is pressed against a rotating or pivoting plate surface (load range from 5 to 80 N); the disk rotates horizontally or vertically, with a defined frequency; friction force, normal force, sliding distance, wear and temperature changes are measured